NDT Polymer and Chemical Engineering Technology at University of Moratuwa – ITUM

By | May 18, 2023

The field of Chemical Engineering Technology is concerned with the industrial processes that transform or separate raw materials into usable products. The diplomates will be equipped with the information necessary to work in the chemical sector if they successfully complete the Chemical Engineering Technology programme.

Polymer Technology and Chemical Engineering Technology are the two different types of programs that are offered by the division, as suggested by the names of the two programs in the division’s name. Each programme is comprised of three years total: two years for academic study and one year of practical experience.

In addition to providing instruction for the National Diploma in Technology, this branch works with businesses to improve the overall quality of the items they sell by conducting testing and research. In addition, the division collaborates with students on projects that aim to address manufacturing and quality-related problems in the industry, thereby fostering a closer interaction between academic institutions and businesses.

Diplomates in Chemical Engineering will be involved in research work as well as fabrication, operation, control, and maintenance of plant and equipment in the chemical sector such as petroleum, food, paper, salt, water and waste water treatment, manufacturing of chemicals, soap, detergents, fertilizer, polymer ceramics, and so on.

The National Apprenticeship & Industrial Training Agency of Sri Lanka is in charge of coordinating and supervising the running of a structured Industrial Training program that lasts for a full year. This program lasts for a total of twelve months.

Students spend a total of one year at each of two distinct industrial organizations that they rotate between over the course of their education. At the conclusion of each training term, they are given an assessment. The awarding of a diploma is contingent upon the student having satisfactorily completed all of the requirements for industrial training.


  • The first year, which consists of 30 weeks total.
  • Second year (there are a total of 30 weeks per year)
  • The third year (also known as the “Industrial Training” year)

Contact Details:

University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.

TEL: 011-212-4000

FAX: 011-211-7040

Website: https://itum.mrt.ac.lk/pc

EMAIL: info@itum.mrt.ac.lk